

Are you a landlord?....

CasaMax is giving you an opportunity to earn money with shared spaces. We are here to facilitate the advertising of your property without you going through a large pile of paperwork or a lumpsum of cash. We are determined to deliver a hussle free advertising experience for all who have spaces to share with students.

It is as simple as.......

  1. Register and enter your details
  2. Specify which univeristy you want to cater to
  3. Upload pictures of your Home

Then You Are Good To Go.........

Are you an agent?

Quit creating tens of thousands of groups. Welcome to the one way stop for student accommodation. CasaMax is a central place where you can advertise your listings with a very simple and easy set-up process and an even simpler way to manage them. Want to change the price? Simple it's just a click of a button. Is your listing full and you want to temporarily stop advertising it? Simple!! its just a click of a button. Want to add more listings? Well you guessed it, it's as simple as click-click-click..

Enjoy the simple conviniences of CasaMax today by simply.....

  1. Registering as an agent
  2. Enter your information including agent fee
  3. Login to your profile and add listings by clicking "+"

Then You Are Good To Go.........